Roundtable On Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
We are committed to ensuring the raw materials used for our products, such as the palm oil biomass residues, are from sustainable sources.
As an affiliate member of the Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), we submit our progress in support of the RSPO’s objective of promoting the growth and use of sustainable palm oil and palm oil products, via the RSPO’s Annual Communication of Progress (ACOP).
United Nations Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a strategic policy initiative for businesses committed to aligning their operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Nextgreen joined since May 2021 as a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (“UNGC”).
In 2022, we joined 850 participants from over 80 countries on furthering corporate transparency by joining UNGC’s Early Adopters Program to disclose using the enhanced Communication on Progress (CoP) questionnaire. The CoP presents our commitment to the UNGC.
United Nations Network Malaysia & Brunei
Through the UNGC Network Malaysia & Brunei, the official local network of the UNGC, we continue to push the boundaries of corporate sustainability. On 15 March 2021, Nextgreen Global Berhad was among the 49 companies to provide input on Malaysia’s SDG progress.
Watch how Nextgreen Global is also working on raising its climate ambition here.
Nextgreen’s effort towards sustainability and embedding circular economy model is recognised at the United Nations Global Compact Malaysia & Brunie (UNGCMYB) Sustainability Performance Awards on the 9th of December 2022 for SDG Ambition Benchmark 6: 100% sustainable material inputs that are renewable, recyclable or reusable.
Contributing to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Clean water and sanitation

Affordable and clean energy

Decent work and economic growth

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Responsible consumption and production
Climate action

Peace, justice and strong institutions