Aged - 61
Director's Profile
Dato’ Lim Thiam Huat was appointed to the Board on 17 December 2014. He has more than 28 years of extensive experience in the field of construction and project development. He had successfully completed projects like commercial high rise cum shopping complexes, industrial buildings, housing projects, hotel/resorts, hospital and luxurious apartments.
In 2003, he diversified his business focus to environmentally friendly business and entered into a partnership with a Chinese partner to research into using Empty Fruit Bunches (“EFB”) from palm oil waste to manufacture pulp and paper. In 2008, Dato’ Lim and his partner incorporated Green Patent Technologies Sdn Bhd to patent the technology in Malaysia, China, Indonesia and Thailand.
This technology is called Pre-Conditioning Refiner Chemical Recycled Bleached Mechanised Pulp (“PRC-RBMP”). His experience and involvement in PRC-RBMP technology started from the incubation stage of the technology. PRC-RBMP was specially researched and developed to solve the palm oil industry and paper industry problems without harming the ecological system.
The design of PRC-RBMP uniquely allows for the creation of multiple business ventures that are “green” in nature and groundbreaking. He drives the business direction of the Group and sets the missions and objectives for the Group to achieve.
He was also appointed as Economic Consultant to the Republic of Palau in Malaysia on 28 August 2015 and he was also appointed as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Palau to Malaysia on 5 November 2015.
He is a member of Employees’ Share Option Scheme. He has no conflict of interest with the Company. He has not been convicted for any offences within the past five years other than traffic offences, if any
Academic/Professional Qualification/Memberships
Federal Institute of Technology- Building Technology.